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Bookmakers Rating Changes

If you would like to be informed about every up-to-date change on the best online bookmakers, don't hesitate to bookmark this page. Through this tool you can observe all the bookmakers rating changes and available services of every reviewed company on the BM website. You can view the last 100 changes of the bookies' rating, sorted by each company’s name, with the latest being presented on top. You can classify them according to their rating change, ascending or descending, depending on your preference. In the “Comments” section, any changes are mentioned (for example, a service’s addition or removal) which consequently affects the rating. It is also possible to focus on a specific company by simply choosing the company’s name from the list, in order to view the history of a company’s changes and focus on any changes on specific services. Fox example, if you want to view information about the changes on the Cash Out service, you can simply type “Cash Out” in the “Search” field.

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